LM6 represents a quantum leap away from simply measuring audio level to measuring perceived loudness. The old level
method is responsible for unacceptable level jumps in television, for music CDs getting increasingly distorted, and for
different audio formats and program genres becoming incompatible: Pristine music tracks from the past don’t co-exist
with new recordings, TV commercials don’t fit drama, classical music or film and broadcast doesn’t match. The most
fundamental audio issue of all – control of loudness – every day makes millions of people adjust the volume control over
and over again.
LM6 is part of a universal and ITU standardized loudness control concept, whereby audio may easily and consistently be
measured and controlled at various stages of production and distribution. LM6 works coherently together with other TC
equipment, or with equipment of other brands adhering to the same global standard. Follow the guidelines given to allow
audio produced for different purposes to be mixed, without low dynamic range material such as commercials or pop CD’s
always emerging the loudest.
- Loudness meter fully compliant with EBU R128
- Loudness meter fully compliant with ATSC A/85
- Loudness meter fully compliant with ITU-R BS.1770
- Loudness meter fully compliant with ITU-R BS.1770-2
- Radar meter showing Momentary and Short-term loudness
- True-peak bargraph meters
- Advanced Logging functionality