vss™sr (surrOunD)
VSS™SR (Surround)
The VSS™SR (Surround) algorithm is a unique room
simulator with new facilities for 4:2:4surround production.
The diffused field of the simulation is turned into a Front/
Rear composition with separate Decay, Level and Predelay
parameters for front and rear.
The composite Output of the simulator is compatible with
mono, stereo and surround reproduction.
When used for surround production a surround encoder
is not needed, but monitoring should be done through a
Dolby SR compatible decoding system.
The VSS-SR algorithm occupies:
@ Normal Sample Rate : 1/4 DSP Resource
@ Double Sample Rate : 1/4 DSP Resource
Algorithm Inputs/Outputs are distributed as follows:
Front Decay
Range: 0.01 to 20s
Changes the Decay time of the mono information in the
Front Delay
Range: 0 to 200ms
Changes the Reverb Feed Delay time of the Front/Center
information in the signal.
Rear Decay
Range: 0.01 to 20s
Changes the Decay time of the stereo information in the
Rear Delay
Range: 0 to 200ms
Changes the Reverb Feed Delay time of the Rear/Surround
information in the signal.
Pre Delay
Range: 0 to 100ms
A delay placed at the Input of the algorithm. This parameter
specifies the time between the source material and the
beginning of the Early Reflections.
Front Level
Range: Off to 0dB
Changes the level of the Front/Center
information in the signal.
Rear Level
Range: Off - 0dB
Changes the level of the Rear/Surround information in the
Early Lev
Range: Off - 0dB
The Output level of the Early Reflections. When Early Lev
is set to -100dB, the Reverb effect will consist entirely of
Reverb Tail.
Dry Level
Range: Off to 0dB
Attenuates the Dry signal level on the Output side thus
leaving the Reverb and Early Level unaffected. Off equals
a “kill-dry” setting.
In Level
Range: Off to 0dB
Sets the Input level of the algorithm.
Out Level
Range: Off to 0dB
The overall Output level of the Reverb.
This is mostly used when the algorithm is used in serial
with another Engine.
E1 - E4