rEvErb - 3
This is a description of the parameters specific to the
Reverb-3 algorithm. It is capable of making an exceptionally
clear Reverb sound using a very dense and natural
sounding Reverb Tail. Decay time can be controlled in
four individually adjustable frequency bands. Using Diffuse
and the Distance controls, sounds can be made in which
practically no Early Reflections are heard. Add a slight
modulation to this to minimize room interaction with your
source material and you have - Reverb-3.
The Reverb-3 algorithm occupies:
@ Normal Sample Rate : 1/4 DSP Resource
@ Double Sample Rate : 1/4 DSP Resource
Algorithm Inputs/Outputs are distributed as follows:
Main Page
Range: 0.3 to 30.0s
Reverberation Decay time.
Pre Delay
Range: 1 to 150ms
Sets the time that passes before the first reflection
Range: 0 to 15
The relative distance control varies the mix relationship
between the early and the later reflections. When set to “0”
more of the Early Reflections are heard, similar to being
close to the sound source in a room. As you increase
Distance toward “15” more of the later reflections are heard
= further away from the sound source. Practically no Early
Reflections are heard at “15”. Please note that at very
short distances the Early Reflections interact with the direct
signal creating ‘chorus-like’ colorations just as in real rooms
with strong low-order reflections.
Range: 1 to 9
The Diffuse parameter simulates when the reflections in
the room “hit” more or less uneven surfaces. With smooth
walls low diffusion takes place. Walls that are uneven, with
many angles, pockets or with dedicated diffusers cause the
reflections to break into a high number of less identifiable
reflections producing much higher diffusion. The Diffuse
parameter affects the quality of the diffuse field as well as
the spread of the Early Reflections.
Diffuse Type
Range: Smooth1, Smooth2, Wow 1, Short1 and Short2
The natural room mode peak frequencies and the
smoothness of the diffuse field are affected by this
parameter. Use Smooth1 and 2 for long decays, whereas
the others are made for shorter Decay times and to
emulate the characteristics of well known plates.
Hi Cut Freq
Range: 500Hz to flat
Hi Cut filter, shelving type. Provides an overall Reverb high
frequency roll-off (6dB per octave) that is suitable for
making the space sound warmer.
Hi Cut Att
Range: -40 to 0.0dB
The attenuation control sets the high frequency roll
determined by Hi Cut Freq.
In Level
Range: Off to 0.0dB
Sets the level of the Input to the Reverb in 0.5dB steps.
Out Level
Range: Off - 0.0dB
Sets the Output level of the Reverb in 0.5dB steps.
E1 - E4