While starting switch the engine keep other people away from blower pipe.
1.Push the swich on the control unit to start (1) position (Fig:5)
2.Move the throttle trigger (Fig:5-1) to half open position and lock it with locking knob (Fig:5)
3.Push the premier fuel pump several times until overflow fuel flows out (Fig:6)
4.Pull up the choke lever (Fig:7) to close.
5.While holding down the unit firmly,pull out the starter rope quickly (Fig:8)
6.Let the starter grip slowly back to starter housing with smooth orientation,whether the engine has started or not.
7.After the engine has started,open the choke gradually,move the throttle trigger to bottom position and allow the engine to
warm up.
8.While in operation,move the throttle lever to desired position and lock it.
1.Kabza üzerindeki start butonunu (1) pozisyonuna getirin (Þekil.5)
2.Gaz tetiðini (Þekil.5-1) yarým gaz pozisyonuna getirip kilitleme mandalý ile tetiði sabitleyin (Þekil.5)
3.Makinanýzýn saðlam bir þekilde tutarken diðer elinizle starter kolunu hýzla çekin (Þekil.8)
4.Motor çalýþsýn veya çalýþmasýn starter kolunu yavaþca býrakarak ipin düzgün þekilde sarýlmasýný saðlayýn.
ilaçlama esnasýnda gaz tetiðini istediðiniz seviyeye getirip sabitleyerek ilaçlama yapýn.
NOT: Motorun rolenti devri 2500 dev/dak civarýdýr.
1.Push the switch on the control unit to start (1) position (Fig:5)
2.Move the trigger (Fig:5-1) to half open position and lock it with locking knob (Fig:5)
3.While holding down the unit firmly,pull out the starter rope quickly.(Fig:8)
4.Let the starter grip slowly back to starter housing with smooth orientation,whether though the engine has started or not.
While in operation,move the throttle trigger to desired position.
NOTE: Engine idle speed is approximately 2500 rpm.
1.Kabza üzerindeki gaz verme(Þekil.5-3) ve sabitleme kolunu (Þekil.5-1) yukarý kaldýrarak motoru rölanti devrine getirin.
2.Kabza tertibatý üzerinde bulunan durdurma düðmesini (Þekil.5-2) (0) pozisyonuna getirerek motoru durdurun.
Not:Motorun tekrar çalýþtýrýlabilmesi için stoplama (5-3) düðmesini mutlaka (1) pozisyonunda olmasý gereklidir.
1.Adjust the engine rpm to idling by lifting up the throttle trigger (Fig.5-3) and locking knob.(Fig:5-1)
2.Stop the engine by pushing the switch on the throttle lever to positon (0).
Note:To be able to start the engine again (5-2), the switch (5-3) must be in the position (1).
Not:Atomizör kapalý mekanda çalýþtýrmayýn.
Etrafýnýzda bulunan diðer canlýlara ve zarar görebilecek nesnelere ilaçlama esnasýnda dikkat ediniz
Parmaklarýnýzý fan kýsmýna sokmayýnýz.
Atomizörünüzü rüzgara karþý kullanmayýn.
Do not use the mistblower against wind.While operating,be sure of keeping distance from other people as well as
items,which could be harmed.
Do not approach your fingers to the suction side of the blower.
Note: To start the engine again the switch should bring to start (1) position again.
Do not use the mistblower in close spaces.
1.Ýlaç, ilaç deposunun dýþýnda, ilaç firmasýnýn direktifleri ve geçerli güvenlik kurallarý çerçevesinde hazýrlanmalýdýr.
2.Ýlacý hazýrlamak için mutlaka eldiven, gerekiyorsa maske kullanýn.
3.Ýlacý temiz kaplar içerisinde hazýrlayýn.
4.Ýlaç hortumundaki musluðu kapalý konuma getirin (Þek.2-9).
5.Hazýrlanan ilacý ilaç deposuna depo aðzýndan taþmayacak þekilde doldurun.Ve deponun kapaðýný sýkýca kapatýn.
1.The formula must be prepared by observing the directives of the chemical producers and valid safety rules have to be
2.To prepare the formula you must wear protective gloves and mask if necessary.
3. Prepare the formula in clean containers.
4.Close chemical tap on the chemical tank (Fig:2-9)
5.Fill the prepared formula into the chemical tank so that it will not pour out of it and close the tank lid tightly.