tams elektronik
ms elektronik
2.3. Concept of a staging yard with HADES
Number of sidings
The number of sidings in the staging yard is at least 2 and at most 32. An uneven number of
sidings in the staging yard is possible. For this purpose, a jumper is attached to the last track
module and this track module is thus configured for the monitoring of a single siding track.
In order to prevent accidents caused by further arriving trains when all sidings in the staging
yard are occupied, you can either
install a transit track allowing incoming trains to drive through directly or
install a stopping section at the entrance to the staging yard, where trains wait until a
siding has been cleared. The entry signal for the staging yard can be controlled commonly
with the stopping section.
Example 1:
Staging yard with 6 sidings and one transit track
Example 2:
Staging yard with 6 sidings and a stopping section at the entrance
Your staging yard control HADES | 9