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(9) Command “L”
Function: Command for reading out operation mode (Load)
Transmission from host: STX: “L”: reading page (“A” to “H”): ETX
Return by camera :
STX: ACK: ETX (transaction completion), or STX: NAK: ETX (transaction rejection)
* The factory default is stored in the Page H, which will be used when restoring to the default setting.
Command “WMC”
Function: Command for writing in configuration flag register (CR) (Write Mode Configuration)
Transmission from host: STX: “WMC”: flag set value: ETX
Return by camera:
STX: ACK: ETX (transaction completion), or STX: NAK: ETX (transaction rejection)
The content of “flag set value” (2 bytes/4 characters) can be written in the configuration register.
(Note) This command does not execute the writing in EEPROM, and the setting by this command is lost when the power
is turned off. To save the setting value in EEPROM, use another command, “SMC”.
(11) Command “WMF”
Function: Command for writing in mode flag register (FR) (Write Mode Flag)
Transmission from host: STX: “WMF”: flag set value: ETX
Return by camera :
STX: ACK: ETX (transaction completion) or STX: NAK: ETX (transaction rejection)
The content of “flag set value” (2 bytes/4 characters) can be written in the flag register.
(Note) This command does not execute the writing in EEPROM, and the setting by this command is lost when the power
is turned off. To save the set value in EEPROM, use other commands, “WA to WF”, to save in the specified pages.
(12) Command “RMC”
Function: Command for reading configuration flag register (CR) (Read Mode Configuration)
Transmission from host: STX: “RMC”: ETX
Return by camera: STX: ACK: “RMC”: flag set value: ETX (transaction completion), or STX: NAK: ETX (transaction
The current content of the configuration register (2 bytes/4 characters)
can be
returned in the hexadecimal system.
(13) Command “RMCA”
Function: Command for reading specified bit of configuration flag register (CR) (Read Mode Configuration And)
Transmission from host: STX: “RMCA”: “Specified bit(4 characters) : ETX
Return by camera: STX: ACK: “RMC”: flag set value: ETX (transaction completion), or STX: NAK: ETX (transaction
The current content of the specified bit of the configuration register (2 bytes/4 characters) can be returned in the
hexadecimal system. “Specified bit” is defined by 2 bytes data (4 characters) in binary coded hexadecimal system
assigning “1” to the specified bit and “0” to the other bit.
(Example) Transmit as (STX) RMCA1005(ETX) to read specified bit12,2 and 0.
(14) Command “RMF”
Function: Command for reading mode flag register (FR) (Read Mode Flag)
Transmission from host: STX: “RMF”: ETX
Return by camera:
STX: ACK: “RMF”: flag set value: ETX (transaction completion), or STX: NAK: ETX (transaction
The current content of the mode flag register (2 bytes/4 characters) can be returned in the hexadecimal system.
(15) Command “RMFA”
Function: Command for reading specified bit of mode flag register (FR) (Read Mode Flag And)
Transmission from host: STX: “RMFA”: specified bit(4 characters) : ETX
Return by camera:
STX: ACK: “RMF”: flag set value: ETX (transaction completion), or STX: NAK: ETX (transaction
The current content of the specified bit of the mode flag register (2 bytes/4 characters) can be returned in the hexadecimal
system. “Specified bit” is defined by 2 bytes data (4 characters) in binary coded hexadecimal system assigning “1” to the
specified bit and “0” to the other bit.
(Example) Transmit as (STX) RMFA1005(ETX) to read specified bit12, 2 and 0 in the register.