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(Note) Any of set items of FR are only stored on the nonvolatile memory by saving those to any of program page “A” to “F”
using “WA” to “WF” command (Write into page memory A to F) before turning the power off.
Also set items of CR are stored on the nonvolatile memory inside the camera by executing “SMC” command (Save
Mode Configuration) after changing.
Note that the changes in either setting are not saved when turning the power off without saving (onto nonvolatile
memory) and the set contents return to those before setting change at the next power-on.
(Note) CR is applied independently of the current program page, as it is one of the configuration items.
[Terminology] Configuration item ... The common configuration item that is independent of the program page.
The configuration items contain hypothetical mode switch, hypothetical shutter switch
and VSUB voltage set value in addition to CR.
Setting of configuration register (CR ) by serial communication command
Setting ,reading and saving of CR in this camera are all executed using serial communication command.
Command “WMC”
Function: Command for writing on the configuration register (Write Mode Configuration)
Transmission from host: STX : “WMC” : set value : ETX
Return by camera:
STX : ACK : ETX (transaction completion) or STX : NAK : ETX (transaction rejection)
“ set value”(four characters in hexadecimal) is written on CR .
(Note) This command does not execute the writing in EEPROM, and the setting by this command is lost when the power
is turned off. To save the setting value in EEPROM, use another command, “SMC”(Save Mode Configuration).
[Example] To set “0400” (=H’0400) to CR.
Transmit as follows
Transmission from host: STX: “WMC”: “0400” : ETX
Right figure shows the example of transmitting the command using
FCTool. The CR is set to “0400”.
Command “RMC”
Function: Command for reading the configuration register (Read Mode Configuration)
Transmission from host: STX : “RMC” : ETX
Return by camera:
STX : ACK : “RMC” : set value :ETX (transaction completion) or STX : NAK : ETX (transaction
The current “set value”(four characters from “0000” to “FFFF”) of CR is read out.
Right figure shows the example of transmitting the command using
FCTool. The data of CR “0004” is read out.
Command “SMC”
Function: Command for saving the shutter switch value (Save Mode Configuration)
Transmission from host: STX : “SMC” : ETX
Return by camera:
STX : ACK : ETX (transaction completion) or STX : NAK : ETX (transaction rejection)
The current “set value”(four characters from “0000” to “FFFF”) of CR is saved into nonvolatile ROM.
(Note) The several bits in CR are inhibited from writing via serial communication.
Note that it is not regarded as error even when the writing to these bits is executed via serial communication.
The figure below shows the example of writing the set value “FFFF”. In this case, the confirmatory result by
readout command is “01FF”.
Refer to the table [Contents of CR] in this section for the details about inhibit bit .
Writing “FFFF”
Confirmatory result