Instruction and Operating Manual
Misprints and technical changes reserved
6.2.4 Sequence for Turn On / Turn Off
There is no sequence for turn on/turn off in general. Nevertheless we recommend the following to take care of relais'
and fuses.
- Switch-on mains. After signal "ready for operation" the drive can be started.
- before disconnect from mains the drive should be stoped.
- Immediate turn on is possible while the signal "ready for operation" is active. Otherwise turn on again after10
seconds or after the supply of the electronic is off (Switched mode power supply is off, the 7 segment display will
then extinguish).
- Short phase failure is not indicated ! If the buss voltage sinks below 420V, undervoltage is indicated.
Please take the corresponding parameters from the list of chapter 8.0
6.2.3 Functional Tests and Initial Operation
Every statement in this chapter is referring to the control board. Chapter 5.2 - 5.4 give a description of the control
connections, signals and adjustments. Before the first operation of the drive proceed according to the following
Install and interconnect the drive with reference to Chapters 4 and 5
if your line voltage corresponds to the voltage indicated on the type-marking of the drive.
if the drive and the motor is properly grounded.
.....if all connections are properly tightened.
.....if all Dip-switches on the control board are properly adjusted.
.....if all connections correspond to the wiring-schematic
.....the motor output phases U, V and W with an ohm-meter for possible shorts to ground. The measuring
should read a resistance to ground > 500K
Switch on the line voltage
After max 5 seconds the 7 segment display on the Displayboard with
and min. 1 LED and max. 4 LEDs must
Set with the Keypad PG4000 the parameters, so that they correspond to your requirements.
The drive can be started