Streaming Client
The streaming client can
not connect to a network.
On the display the indication
'SCL Connecting...'
is displayed.
Cause 1 (cable LAN):
Network cable not properly connected
Connect network cable, check connection to router
Cause 2 (wireless LAN):
WLAN antenna not connected or placed in a location with bad reception quality
Connect WLAN antenna properly and find a location with good reception
Set the transmission power output of your WLAN router to maximum.
Try to establish a network connection first in a location close to the WLAN
router. If this succeeded try to connect to WLAN from a more remote location.
Experiment with antenna position and try to find a location with better reception
Cause 3 (wireless LAN):
WLAN reception quality bad (low field strength). Possibly too much attenuated
by walls/ceilings on the transmission path.
Optimize location of receiver and transmitter antennas.
If transmission problems persist a so called ‚Power Line‘ network might be
good alternative to establish a good and stable network connection.
The best, safest and most secure network however will always be a cable LAN
Cause 4:
Network parameters not properly configured.
Configure the network parameters correctly (see chapter
Cause 5 (operation without network connection):
For proper operation the
K2 Blu
needs at least one properly connected network
device. This can be a LAN or WLAN network or a USB storage device.
If the
K2 Blu
shall be operated without network (LAN / WLAN) please connect
at least a USB stick.
The message
'Track not found'
is displayed
The music file on the storage device or on the music server was deleted or the
internet radio station is not available at the moment.
Choose another music title or radio station. If the station or title is not available
any more it should be deleted from the Favourites List (if stored there).
The message
'Format Error'
is displayed
The title is stored / the radio station is transmitting in a format that cannot be
decoded by the
K2 Blu
Choose another title or station.
The message
'network problems –
is displayed
Network problems in your home network or on the internet occurred; the
connection was interrupted.
When encountering a network problem or interruption the
K2 Blu
will re-start
the network communication. After re-start please choose a music title or
internet radio station and start playback.