6 Ream medullary canal
Ream the medullary canal according to the standard proce-
dure. Advance the reamer slowly and steadily at maximum
drill speed. Secure the SynReam reaming rod with the Holding
Forceps for SynReam Reaming Rod (351.782) to prevent it
from rotating during reaming.
Only ream over the SynReam Reaming Rod
2.5 mm
(352.032, length 950 mm or 352.033, length 1150 mm),
since the rod ensures that a secure connection is maintained
between the reamer and the flexible shaft.
7 Change reamer head
Having reamed the medullary cavity along its full length, re-
tract the SynReam flexible shaft with the first reamer head
until the whole reamer head is visible. Grasp the reaming rod
with the Holding Forceps for SynReam Reaming Rod
(351.782) immediately above the bone insertion point and
hold in situ to avoid loss of reduction. Draw the SynReam
flexible shaft through the slot of the Insert with Removing De-
vice for SynReam Medullary Reamers (689.063) so as to re-
move the used reamer head without touching it.
The reamer head of the next size up can be picked up directly,
without hand contact, from the insert for medullary reamer
heads using the SynReam flexible shaft.