Section III
006-0006715 10/31/18
Rev J
27 of 44
MPS-MPPS-4000 Guide
Programming the Output From the RS-232 Interface
• Ensure RS‑232 interface is configured properly. RS‑232 must be configured with 115.2kbaud,
8 data bits, no parity, and one stop bit.
• Output voltage and current can be set with “SET VOUT x” and “SET IMAX” commands.
“SET VOUT x” will set the output voltage level in millivolts. “SET IMAX x” will set the
maximum current level in amps. See the “MPS User Commands” document for details:
• In the example below, “SET VOUT 30000” sets the output voltage to 30.000V. “SET IMAX
50” sets the maximum current to 50A
SynQor>SET VOUT 30000
DAC Set. Flash Updated.
SynQor>SET IMAX 50
DAC Set. Flash Updated.