1.5 Gas Supply:
The incoming gas supply must be sufficient to supply the unit to fully working
pressure without excessive drop; to do this we recommend using a
” supply
pipe/catering hose. The installation pipes should be fitted in accordance with
Inlet pressure drop can be measured via the Inlet Pressure Post on the unit’s internal
gas valve.
Gas supply tubing must comply with the current national requirements in force and
should be periodically examined and replaced as necessary.
An isolating cock must be located close to the appliance to allow a fast shut off
during an emergency or routine servicing.
1.6 Electrical Supply:
This unit is supplied via a 5A 3-pin plug at 240v.
This unit must be earthed or the appliance will not work. This unit relies on Flame
Rectification to detect the flame. A good earth allows a path to ground via the flame
to occur which is critical for the appliance to work. Active Food Systems
recommends extra earth bonding where possible.
If the power supply to the appliance fails momentarily, the internal gas valves will
close stopping any gas escaping. The appliance will shut down for around 30
seconds before the fan speeds have slowed sufficiently for the unit to self-power-
up again. You do not need to reset any buttons.