If the power supply to the appliance fails in events such as a power-cut, please
switch off the appliance at the front switch. Do not walk away from a grill that has
no power but with the switch turned on. Doing so could cause a fire is something
flammable is left unattended near the appliance and the power then comes back on
and reignites the grill.
1.7 Water Supply:
Not applicable for this appliance.
1.8 Starting up and Shutting Down
The Synergy Grill uses an automated ignition system via the Front Switches. Each
Front Green Rocker Switch is assigned in order of each burner – Left Switch controls
the Left Burner and so forth. Pressing this switch will cause the appliance to run
through a start-up procedure before self-igniting around 10 second later. If no
ignition occurs please refer to Section 4 on the fault finding page.
To shut down simply turn the unit off using the front Green Rocker Switch and the
appliance will cut all power to the appliance and shut the internal gas valve ready to
be switched on again.
2 Commissioning
2.1 Testing and Purging:
Please make sure all air is purged from the pipes before checking pressures.