4.5 Changing a Fan
The fan is located at the back of the grill and screwed onto the Fan Tray and is
accessed from the front of the grill. It is held in place by 4 M6x12 socket head screws
with a 5mm Allen Key. Please disconnect the fan loom from the electrical tray before
completely removing from the Synergy Grill and replacing the new fan. We
recommend plugging in the new fan connection loom to the electrical tray before
screwing up onto the fan tray to ensure the replacement fan isn’t faulty, or the one
you have just taken out. Once you are happy the fan is working please locate the
fan at the rear of the grill and screw into the metal fan tray.
4.6 Burner & Injector Cleaning:
Burners and Jets require periodic cleaning to ensure all ports and apertures are free
from debris and blockages. Failure to periodically clean these may result in Flame
Detection and Heating problems.
Remove the burners (3.1.1) and vacuum around the jet to remove any debris which
may have built up over time. Whilst the Burner is removed please clear individual
Burner Ports using a suitable metal object. Should it become necessary to wash the
burner, please ensure they are completely dry and free from cleaning materials
before re-fitting.
4.7 Any Other Problems:
If there are any other issues which need to be addressed that are not in this Servicing
and Cleaning Guide, please contact Active Food Systems and we will be happy to
run through any issues you may have.