| 19
Press button MEM
Display will show last measured values of welding voltage and current for 7
seconds. Values can be recalled repeatedly.
function SYNERGIC
(only machines SyNERGIC)
Function SyNERGIC simplifies operating and adjustment of welding para
meters. Operating staff can specify type of program through a simple setting
of gas type and wire diameter. To set welding parameters you can set simply
and easily voltage with a switch and electronics will adjust speed of wire
shift automatically.
Switching on function SYNERGIC
Press button SyN until you switch on lED SyN and lED material thickness.
Function SyNERGIC is on.
Program choice - adjustment of wire diameter and gas type
Press button SET until you switch on lED marked in the picture.
Using the potentiometer, you shall choose gas type you are going to apply
- CO
or Ar (marks MIX argon and CO
gas in ratio 18 CO
and the rest Ar.
Press button SET until you switch on lED diode marked in picture.
Use the potentiometer, thus you shall choose wire diameter SG2 you are
going to use - 0.6 - 0.8 - 1.0 mm.
Approximate thickness of material possible to weld according to current ad
justment will be shown on upper display. Currently adjusted speed of wire
shift will be shown on bottom display, which is changed automatically when
you change positions of voltage switch. Fall or rise in welding capacity is
adjustted with a voltage switch.
Switching function SYNERGIC off
Press button SyN. Diode SyN and material thickness will switch off.
Function SyNERGIC is off.
NOTe 1:
Shown values of material thickness are only approximate. Thickness
of material can vary according to welding position etc.
NOTe 2:
To correct parameter for wire shift, you shall use a potentiometer
or buttons of remote control UP/DOWN.
NOTe 3:
Parameters of the program synergic function are designed for
copper coated wire SG2. In order to reach the correct function of the sy
nergic programs, it is necessary to use quality wire, protective wire, gas and
welding material.
NOTe 4:
In order to reach the correct function of the synergic machine it is
necessary to keep prescribed diameters of cables to wire diameters and the
right die otherwise the correct function of the machine is not guaranteed.
Further on, it is necessary to secure quality power supply – 400 V, max. ± 5%,
connecting to ground of the welding material (use an earthing clip directly
on the welding material).
Recorging own parameters of the speed of the wire shift into
The function of storing parameters is on only if the function synergic is on.
1. Choose the required speed of the wire shift.
2. Press and hold the button SyN and then press button GAS TEST.
Keep together
3. Release both the buttons - new parameters are stored.
All the required parameters can be stored and rewritten in this way as nece
ssary. The recorded parameter is adjusted always in the same position of the
voltage switch when the parameter was stored.
Return to the factory default settings
A return to original parameters SyNERGIC adjusted by the producer is done
by the follow-up pressing and holding the button SyN and then pressing and
releasing the button of wire threading. In such a way it is possible to return
single parameters which have been stored. A total return of all the pre-ad
justed values to the values set up by the producer can be done through the
function factory configuration.
Keep together