WiseScript Package Editor Reference
Creating WiseScript Installations
Help URL
Enter the path to a help file that will be installed on the destination computer.
Enter any additional comments for the end users.
WiseScript Package Editor only
Use the Billboards page to add billboard graphics to display during installation. The page
lists the billboards in the order they appear during the installation. Use these graphics to
inform end users of software features, to remind them to register the application, or to
advertise related products.
Guidelines for Using Billboard Graphics
Billboard graphics must be .BMP (bitmap) files.
All color palettes are supported. However, large color images decrease installation
The destination computer must be set to display true colors in order for true color
billboards to display correctly.
If you simultaneously display multiple color images that use different color palettes,
the colors might not appear correctly.
To add a billboard
1. Select Installation Expert > Billboards page.
2. Click Add at the right of the page and specify the billboard graphic file.
The billboard is added to the list on the Billboards page.
3. Double-click the billboard.
The Billboard Settings dialog box appears.
4. Complete the dialog box:
Specify the full path to the image file on your computer. To use variables in this
field, you must mark the Local Graphic option below.
X Position / Y Position
Indicate the location on a 640 x 480 screen to place graphics. On larger
screens, the billboard is placed proportionately based on the 640 x 480 location.
Erase Num
Enter how many previously displayed graphics are erased before this graphic is
displayed. To display one graphic at a time, set this to 1. To display all graphics
simultaneously, set this to 0. The oldest graphic is removed first.
Build Effect
Select a transition effect.
Mark this to have pure blue (R=0, G=0, B=255) parts of the graphic become