WiseScript Package Editor Reference
WiseScript Actions
Support OSD software update checking
Open Software Description (OSD) is a Microsoft technology for describing and
distributing software. Mark this for the shortcut to work with OSD.
Check self-repair items when this shortcut is opened
(WiseScript Package Editor only) If you configured the installation for self-repair.,
mark this to turn on self-repair functionality for this shortcut. Typically, use this for a
shortcut that starts the application.
Using Self-Repair
on page 30.
See also:
on page 72
Create Shortcut in SVS Layer
This SVS script action creates a shortcut in the virtual software layer. The shortcut can
reference a program outside the layer. Common locations for shortcuts include the Start
menu, the Startup directory, the installation directory, and the desktop.
Use this action on a deactivated SVS layer only.
To complete the dialog box
Layer GUID
Enter the layer’s GUID (globally unique identifier) or a variable that represents the
layer’s GUID. If you enter the layer’s GUID, do not include the { } brackets.
For information on creating a variable for a layer’s GUID, see
Create SVS Layer
page 144 and
Find SVS Layer GUID
on page 164.
Shortcut Name
Enter the name to appear on the shortcut.
Source Path
Specify the path of a file that will be installed on the destination computer. You can
only use an SVS variable to reference a program inside the layer. If you use a
variable, start the path with a variable (example:
[PROGRAMFILES]\Application.EXE) and do not enclose it in quotation marks.
SVS Destination Path
Enter the path to the shortcut to be created (example: [DESKTOP]\). For the
current user’s desktop, Start menu, or Startup directory, use [DESKTOP],
[STARTMENU], or [STARTUP]. For the All Users equivalents, use
(Optional) If the shortcut is for an .EXE, enter command-line options.
Default Directory
Specify the default directory that should be set when running the target file, if
different from the target file’s location. In Windows Explorer, this field is referred to
as the Start in directory. You an SVS path unless the shortcut references a program
outside the layer.