WiseScript Package Editor Reference
WiseScript Actions
Include Script
This action adds an additional script to the current installation script. During compile,
the include script is copied into the calling script at the location of the Include Script
action, resulting in a combination of the scripts.
Include scripts can save time because you can develop a library of WiseScripts that
perform specific functions, like subroutines. You can re-use include scripts and share
them with colleagues. They typically contain just a few lines of code, such as calling an
.EXE or displaying a particular dialog box. Include scripts can be any size with the
limitation that the calling script plus include scripts cannot be more than 32,000 lines.
Include scripts are displayed in tabs at the bottom of the script window.
In WiseScript Package Editor, select Edit menu > Duplicate Files Report to determine if
files are duplicated in an installation because of an include script.
To make an include script, create a new file and select Blank Script. Otherwise the
include script contains the default script, which is designed to perform an installation.
The combined script would then have two wizard loops, two of every dialog box, and so
on. Only the script is inserted into the calling script.
Any configuration in Installation Expert is ignored, including compiler variables that are
defined on the Compiler Variables page.
To complete the dialog box
Specify the path of the script. It should be a .WSE file on your computer, not the
destination computer. Because the main script and include scripts are combined
during compile, not run time, do not use a run-time variable in Pathname. You can,
however, use a compiler variable.
Example of a line in the script that includes a script:
Include Script C:\Scripts\OpensWord.wse
Example of what a short include script might look like:
Execute %PROGRAM_FILES%\winword.exe
Initialize SVS
This action initializes the SVS Driver (Software Virtualization Agent) so that you can
communicate with it. It takes no parameters, and selecting it from the Action list inserts
it directly into the script with no further dialog boxes or prompts. It is included in all of
the SVS-specific actions. If you create a user-defined SVS-specific action, begin the
action with this action.
See also:
About SVS Script Actions
on page 117