WiseScript Editor Reference
WiseScript Actions
No message appears unless you also set the RESTART variable.
Automatic Run-time Variables
on page 157.
When a WiseScript is called by a Windows Installer installation, this does not exit the
MSI installation. It only exits the WiseScript .EXE.
To complete the dialog box
Application Exit Code
If this script is called by another application, this is the return code to the calling
application. You can use a variable enclosed with %. For example, with a WiseScript
wrapper that executes an MSI, you could type %INSTALL_RESULT%. The value of
the Application Exit Code would then be the same as the exit code of the MSI. You
would then not have to create an Exit Installation action for each possible value that
Windows Installer could return.
If the WISE_ERROR_RTN variable is already set, the value in WISE_ERROR_RTN
does not override the Application Exit Code but is written to the installation log.
Run-time Variables
on page 159.
Export SVS Layer
To complete the dialog box
Layer GUID
Enter the layer’s GUID (globally unique identifier) or a variable that represents the
layer’s GUID. If you enter the layer’s GUID, do not include the { } brackets.
For information on creating a variable for a layer’s GUID, see
Create SVS Layer
page 65 and
Find SVS Layer GUID
on page 84.
Archive path
Enter the path and file name to which the archive file is to be exported. This
directory must already exist. You can use WiseScript variables.
Return variable
(Optional.) Enter a name for the return variable. When this script action runs
successfully, either 0 or 1 is placed in this variable.
Overwrite archive file if it already exists
Mark this to overwrite the archive file if it already exists.
See also:
About SVS Script Actions
on page 39
Find File in Path
This action searches for a file on the destination computer. If more than one match
exists, only the first match is returned.