WiseScript Editor Reference
Creating Custom Dialog Boxes
Editing Dialog Boxes
on page 120.
2. Select Edit menu > Dialog Box Properties.
The Dialog Box Properties dialog appears. (This dialog box also appears when you
click Add on the Dialogs page.)
3. Complete the dialog box:
Dialog Title
Enter the title for the dialog box.
Font Name / Font Size
Enter the exact name of a font and a point size. This font type and size is
applied to any text whose font attribute is set to Default Font. When you add or
edit a text box, you can set the font to the default or override the default with a
customized font.
Width / Height
Enter the dialog box size in points. All dialog boxes in a wizard loop must have
the same size as the first dialog box or screen refresh problems occur.
You can also resize the dialog box by clicking its edges and dragging. Use the
Width and Height fields for more precise sizing.
Horiz. Position / Vert. Position
Select where on the screen to display the dialog box. If you select Default, the
dialog box is centered on the screen.
Do not display wizard graphic on this dialog
Normally, the wizard graphic is set in the Wizard Loop script action, and applies
to all dialog boxes in the wizard loop. Mark this check box to turn off the wizard
graphic on this dialog box.
4. Click OK.
About Dialog Box Controls
Installation dialog boxes contain standard controls, which you can add and edit. Most
controls are configured by completing their Settings dialog box.
Adding and Editing Dialog Box Controls
on page 122.
You can add the following types of controls to dialog boxes:
Check box
A single check box for on/off, true/false settings.
Adding Check Box Controls
on page 123.
Combo Box
A combination edit field and drop-down list control that lets
the end user select a predefined value or enter a value.
Adding Combo Box Controls
on page 124.
Edit Text
An editable text field that accepts single or multiple lines.
You can also use this type of control to display a text file.
Adding Edit Text Controls
on page 126.