WiseScript Editor Reference
Creating Custom Dialog Boxes
Return Letters
Mark this to cause the control to return a list of letters representing the item
selected (that is, A for the first, B for the second, etc.) rather than the item text
Don’t Append
Mark this to not append the “Program Files” directory name to the Destination
Directory selected by the end user.
Confirm If Exists
Mark this to prompt for confirmation if the path that the end user enters already
exists on the destination computer. Clear this check box to prevent the “This
directory already exists” message from appearing.
To create named components, populate the Components field above and mark
this check box.
Store Position
Mark this to store the position of the last selected item. The position is stored as
a zero-padded, two-digit decimal number at the beginning of the variable.
Example: If the end user selects the first, the third, then the fourth item, this
control returns a value of 04ACD.
X-Position / Y-Position
Specify the exact location of the control on the dialog box. You can also use the
alignment commands to precisely arrange controls on the dialog box.
Aligning and Spacing Dialog Box Controls
on page 139.
A dialog unit is based on the size of the dialog font, usually 8-point MS Sans
Serif. A horizontal dialog unit is 1/4 the average width of the font and a vertical
dialog unit is 1/8 the average height of the font.
Width / Height
Specify the exact dimensions of the control in dialog units. You can also resize
controls by dragging their handles, though this is not as precise.
4. Click OK.
Adding Play AVI Controls
You can play an animation on any of the installation dialog boxes by adding a Play AVI
dialog box control. (Example: You might want to provide marketing information or offer
animated help on how to install your application.) The .AVI will play once or loop
1. Open the dialog box in the Custom Dialog Editor.
Editing Dialog Boxes
on page 120
2. Select Add menu > Play AVI.
The Play AVI Control Settings dialog box appears.
3. Complete the dialog box:
.AVI Pathname
Specify the path for the animation file (.AVI) to play on the dialog box.