WiseScript Editor Reference
WiseScript Actions
New Value
To add a new value, select the parent key in Registry Keys, then click the New
Value button. A dialog box appears, where you enter information about the new
Delete Value
Removes the selected value from the current installation. This does not remove it
from the destination computer. To do that, you must change the Operation field in
the value’s details dialog box.
Data Settings
These fields in this section of the dialog box correspond to fields you set when
creating the value.
Registry Key Settings Dialog Box
on page 72.
Enter the layer’s GUID (globally unique identifier) or a variable that represents the
layer’s GUID. If you enter the layer’s GUID, do not include the { } brackets.
For information on creating a variable for a layer’s GUID, see
Create SVS Layer
page 65 and
Find SVS Layer GUID
on page 84.
See also:
About SVS Script Actions
on page 39
Else Statement
This action marks the beginning of a section of instructions to be executed when the
condition specified in the matching If action is false. It takes no parameters, and
selecting it from the Actions list inserts it directly into the script with no further dialog
boxes or prompts.
See also:
If Statement
on page 90
ElseIf Statement
This action is put inside an If block to check for another condition. It marks the
beginning of a block of code that is executed only if the condition checked by the If
Statement is false, all previous ElseIfs are false, and this ElseIf is true. You can use one
If Statement with multiple ElseIf Statements to check for multiple conditions.
To complete the dialog box
If Variable
Select a variable from the first drop-down list, and a comparison method from the
second drop-down list.
Expression True means the expression in the Value field below is evaluated
according to the conventions for WiseScript expressions.
Variables and Expressions
on page 33.