WiseScript Editor Reference
Using Script Editor
compiler variable conditions, you can easily remove them when the installation has been
debugged by changing the value of a compiler variable. The debugging actions are not
compiled into the final build.
When to Use
Variable substitution can use either type of variable.
When a script action places a value into a variable, use a run-time variable.
Compiler variables can’t be changed by scripts, but only by the person who builds
the installation .EXE.
In most other instances, the type of variable to use is implicit (example: the
Compiler If script action requires a compiler variable) or is noted explicitly.
Anatomy of an Installation Script
An installation script has four basic sections. Whether you are modifying the default
script that is generated by Installation Expert or writing your own script, an
understanding of these sections can help insure that your script works correctly.
In this section, default values for an installation are set, including the default directory,
standard components, and Start menu. Information that is needed later in the
installation is read from .INI files or the registry. Files that are displayed to the end user
(ReadMe.txt, License.txt, etc.) are installed. A search can also be performed for a
previous version of an application to use its location as the default installation directory.
User Input
This section contains a series of dialog boxes that ask the end user what optional
components to install, what directory to install the files in, and so on. This section
generally uses a Wizard Loop action. It displays any ReadMe or License files that are
installed in the Initialization section.
File Copy
This is the longest section of the installation script. Files are copied from the installation
.EXE to the destination computer.
System Configuration
After files are installed, the destination computer’s configuration files (.INI files, registry,
Start menu, etc.) are updated so that the new application works correctly. The end user
might then be prompted to restart their computer.