Installation Safety
– Have You:
Consulted the assembly instructions supplied with your particular model?
Noted this accessory is to be used only on Swing•N•Slide approved designs? (Do not alter its design or add/remove components, this accessory is intended
for wooden playsets only, do not install on metal frame playsets).
Made sure all hardware is tightened securely? (Supplied bolt covers must also be fastened securely.)
Using a hacksaw, cut off all protruding threaded ends of bolts and other fasteners and remove any sharp edges with
a metal file as needed, and coated fastener ends with lead free paint?
Placed the equipment on level ground, not less than six feet (1.8 meters) from any structure or obstruction such as a fence, garage, house, overhanging
branches, laundry lines, or electrical wires?
Made sure home playground equipment is not installed over concrete, asphalt, packed earth or any other hard surface? (A fall onto a hard surface can re-
sult in serious injury to the equipment user.)
Verified that suspended climbing ropes, chain,or cable are securely anchored at both ends and cannot be looped back unpon itself?
Consulted in assembly instructions of your particular model for minimum use zones?
Used a water sealant on your play set to protect the wood and prevent cracking and warping? (Apply water sealant directly after assembly is complete. If
you live in a coastal area, it is advisable to apply a clear coat finish to all metal parts to discourage rust).
Followed all anchoring and shock absorbing surfacing requirements on the back of this sheet as they apply?
Made sure not to allow children to use equipment until it is properly installed?
Made sure to adjust all swings so there is a minimum 8'' clearance between the swing and the ground surface?
If project requires more than one day to complete, made certain to anchor the tower as soon as it is constructed?
Do not leave the tower unanchored overnight.
Operating Safety
– Have You:
Determined that on-site adult supervision is provided for children of all ages?
Warned children the following before allowing them to use the equipment?
Not to walk close to, in front of, behind or between moving items.
Not to twist swing or any other accessory chains or ropes or loop them over the top support bar since this will reduce the strength of chain or rope.
Not to stand on swing seats.
Not to swing empty seats or other accessories.
Not to slide down swing chains.
Be sure to sit in the center of the swing seat and other accessories with full weight on the seat.
Not to attach items to the playground equipment that are not specifically designed for use with the equipment such as but not limited to, jump
ropes, clotheslines, pet leashes, cables and chain. They may cause a strangulation hazard.
Not to climb or walk on the top of swing beams, railings or roof.
Not to use equipment in a manner other than intended.
Not to get off equipment while it is in motion.
Not to climb on the equipment when it is wet.
Be sure to go down slides feet first.
Determined that only one child per planned occupant seat should be allowed on this set at one time.
Determined children must be dressed appropriately for play. Avoid hooded jackets, bicycle or other sports helmets, clothing with draw strings and loose
fitting clothes which could become entangled or snagged on equipment.
Determined that suspended climbing ropes, chain, or cable are securely anchored at both ends and cannot be looped back upon itself.
Made certain the slide is placed so that it is not in direct sunlight.
Safety Maintenance
– Follow these preventive maintenance instructions at the intervals required:
Use of weed trimmers too close to board surfaces will cause damage to the wood and compromise protection against rot and insect infestation.
To prevent the deterioration of materials, remove plastic swing seats and other plastic accessories when outdoors temp dips down to or below 32° F and
take indoors. Reinstall these plastic elements at the beginning of each play season.
At the beginning of each play season check metal parts for rust. If found, sand and repaint using a non lead-based paint meeting the
requirements of 16 CFR 1303 or SOR/2005-109.
At the beginning of each play season and once a month during each play season, check all moving parts for wear, rust or other
deterioration. Replace as needed. If any of these conditions exist, call 1-800-888-1232 to order replacement accessories.
At the beginning of each play season and once a month during each play season lubricate metallic moving parts.
At the beginning of each play season and twice a month during each play season, check all protective coverings on bolts, pipes, edges, and corners.
Replace if they are loose, cracked, or missing.
At the beginning of each play season and twice a month during each play season, rake and check depth of loose fill protective
surfacing material to prevent compaction and maintain appropriate depth. Replace as necessary.
At the beginning of each play season and twice a month during each play season tighten all hardware.
At the beginning of each play season and twice a month during each play season, check all wood members for deterioration and
splinters. Sand down splinters and replace deteriorating wood members.
Disposal Instructions
When the equipment is taken out of service, it must be disassembled and disposed of in such a way that no unreasonable hazards will exist at the time the set is dis-
Important! Additional Safety Instructions for all Swing-N-Slide Playground Equipment.
Save this instruction sheet in the event the manufacturer needs to be contacted.
Observing the following statements and warnings reduces the likelihood of serious or fatal injury
Safety Checklist for Swing-N-Slide Play Sets and Accessories