Four Foot Tower Assembly Instructions
Fig. 20
Finish Roof:
1. Attach (12) 1’’ x 6’’ Roof Slats as shown in
(Fig. 20).
2. Attach (2) Roof Slat Supports as shown in
(Fig. 20a).
Note: Make certain to place screws through
the thickest areas of the Roof Slat
Boards as shown in (Fig. 20b).
1-1/2’’ deck screws
per joint
Fig. 20a
1-1/4’’ screw
1-1/2’’ screw
(12) 1’’
x 6’’
x 47-1/2’’
(2) 1’’ x 4’’ x 38-1/2’’
x 4’’
x 38-1/2’’
Fig. 20b
1-1/4’’ deck screws
per board.
Note: Place screws
so they go through
the thickest area of
the roof slat board.
View from underside of roof