10 ©2021 SwellPro Technology Co., Limited
7=1.3 meters, 6=1.4 meters, 5=1.5 meters. In GPS mode, it is recommended to take
off with at least 5.
If the signal to the drone is lost for any reason, the remote controller will display the
last known location of the drone.
Install the Aircraft
Install Propellers
The SplashDrone 4 has two pairs of propellers - two clockwise propellers and two
counter-clockwise propellers. The hub of each motor shows the type of propeller used
for that motor. Propellers should not be attached to the wrong motors.
To install or remove propellers:
1. Check the propeller
marking (CW/CCW) to see if it
matches the motor. CCW propellers to CCW motors,
same for CW.
2. Place the propeller on the motor, rotate the propeller in
the hub for 1/8
of a turn until it engages.
3. Hold the arm of the aircraft tight with one of you hand.
4. Rotate the propellers in the direction indicated by the
lock signs with your other hand.
5. To remove the propeller, repeat steps 3&4.
Always place one hand under the motor to support it when installing or removing
propellers. Failure to provide this support could result in bending or breaking the landing
The blades are sharp, please be careful to avoid injury.
Before each flight, please check that the propellers are smooth all over and are
correctly installed and securely fastened.
Spin each propeller by hand to check that the motors are free of sand or salt and
spin freely.