SV 277 PRO User Manual
The SvanNET interface depends on the package of tools assigned to your account and
access level and includes:
– projects tools (
Project list
– individual stations tools (
Station list
If you have the extended SvanNET package, you can use both tools. If you have the
standard SvanNET package, only the Station list tool is available.
Note: This manual describes only the Station list tools. To get more information
about Project list see SvanNET User Manual.
5.1. S
Station list
displays all stations assigned to your account
– turned on and off. When you
click the station, it becomes active and the tools at the right panel will be dedicated to this
particular station.
The station bar except station name with serial number includes five icons that indicate
station state. When station is disconnected from SvanNET all icons are of grey colour.
If you click the station name, station information will be displayed.