Model No. SUVIE01
My Smart Meal card will not scan.
For Suvie to recognize the Smart Meal tag, first try scanning again and holding the
Suvie logo directly on the tap zone for a longer span of time. If the problem persists,
please contact Suvie Support at [email protected].
My cook did not finish on time / my cook finished late.
We’re sorry to hear that your meal did not finish on time; predicting the cooking time
is often a complicated matter and we are consistently working to improve this. Some
fluctuation in cook time is expected, however, If your meal is more than 15 mins late
or early than you have scheduled, please contact Suvie Support at [email protected]
to investigate this issue further.
I’ve filled water to the very top of the reservoir, but my Suvie still suggests I
add more water.
If you have filled the water reservoir to the top above the fill line indicated, please
wait a moment for the sensor to register the water level. If Suvie is still suggesting
you add more water, there may be an issue with the water level sensor. Please
contact Suvie Support at
for assistance.
Suvie keeps telling me to replace the drain tray, even though I’ve pushed it in
already (sensor error).
If you have checked and replaced the drain tray, please wait a moment as It may
take a moment for the sensor to register. If the situation persists, there may be a
issue with the sensor itself. Please contact Suvie Support at
I have a question or an issue that is not listed here.
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or simply contact our customer success team at