All of the trouble conditions that occur, will be displayed on
the top display, sent to the printer, and sent to the automation
package. The information at the printer and the LCD will be
plain English messages. The output to the automation package
will be SIA, using the account code ‘0000’.
Loss of Radio
The MLR-MX requests a radio status every 5 seconds from the
Sure Signal CSR. If the receiver does not get a radio status back
within 250 msec., the radio will be considered as not connected.
Also, if there is not a radio status 30 seconds after a transmission
is attempted, then the loss of radio trouble will be indicated.
The display will show the following.
Radio Not Found
Radio Not Found
Radio Not Found
Radio Not Found
Radio Not Found
The printer will output the following error:
L11- Loss of Radio
The receiver will output the following line error message to the
automation package.
When the Sure Signal CSR is restored, the LCD will display the
serial number, signal strength, and radio status.
The printer will print:
L11- Radio Restored
The receiver will output the following line restoral message to
the automation package.
Loss of Network
The status of the Network is checked every 5 seconds. If the
radio can not find the network, there will be a trouble indicated.
The radio must have lost the network one time before a trouble
is generated.
The radio status indicates to the receiver whether the Mobitex
network is present or not. The display will show the following
Network Absent
Network Absent
Network Absent
Network Absent
Network Absent
The printer will output the following error:
L11- Network Absent
The receiver will output the following line error message to the
automation package.
When the network is restored, the LCD will display the serial
number, signal strength, and radio status.
The printer will print:
L11- Network Present
The receiver will output the following line restoral message to
the automation package.
Low Signal Strength
The radio status will indicate to the receiver the signal strength
between the Sure Signal and the network. The display will
show the following message.
5004455 [22%]
5004455 [22%]
5004455 [22%]
5004455 [22%]
5004455 [22%]
Low Signal
Low Signal
Low Signal
Low Signal
Low Signal
The printer will output the following error:
L11- Low Sig. [22%]
The receiver will output the following line error message to the
automation package.
When the network is restored, the LCD will display the serial
number, signal strength, and radio status.
The printer will print:
L11- Sig. Rstr. [45%]
The receiver will output the following line restoral message to
the automation package.
Low signal will occur at 30% and will restore at 45%
Unstable Signal
This status is sent whenever 2 consecutive low signals are
received within an hour to indicate that the radio location is
not recommended.
Transmission Troubles
There are a number of transmission errors that are possible and
will be outlined in this section.
There are 2 locations that the transmission troubles come from;
the transmit MPAK status in the radio status in the frame data,
and the MPAK flags. The troubles will be divided into both categories.
Before a transmission trouble is indicated, there is an attempt
to correct the trouble, with a maximum of 5 retries. If the
transmissions do not get through to the destination, the last
trouble will display the reason for the failed transmission. The
display will show the following message.
5004455 [45%]
5004455 [45%]
5004455 [45%]
5004455 [45%]
5004455 [45%]
TX. Error
TX. Error
TX. Error
TX. Error
TX. Error
The printer will output the following error for troubles indicated
by the MPAK flags: L11- TX. Error 1 (
error type from table
The printer will output the following error for troubles indicated
by the radio status: L11- TX. Error 2 (
error type from table
The receiver will output one of the following line error messages
to the automation package.
S011[0000|Nri1UAxx] for type 1 transmission errors
S011[0000|Nri1UTxx] for type 2 transmission errors.
xx – error type from the tables below.
When the radio successfully transmits, the trouble will be
considered to be cleared. The LCD will display
TX Successful
TX Successful
TX Successful
TX Successful
TX Successful
The printer will print: L11- TX. Successful
The receiver will output the following line restoral message to
the automation package.