Addendum B: Installing Mobile Rack-CSE M35S/T1
Supermicro’s CSE-M35S/CSE-M35T1 Mobile Rack Series offers the cutting
edge technology with greater flexibility. The CSE-M35T1 supports five Se-
rial ATA hot-swappable hard drives that yield a unparalleled storage capac-
ity without compromising productivity by eliminating possible system down-
time. The CSE-M35S also accommodates five SCSI SCA 320/160 Hard
drives which provide configuration flexibility and maximum data integrity.
1. Packing List
Please check to see if you have received all the items listed below:
*CSE-M35S/CSE-M35T1 Mobile Rack
*90mm-Exhaust Fan (Fan-0057)
Thirteen (13) counts of Flat Head Screws
Twenty-four (24) counts of Round Head Screws
Seven (7) counts of Round Head Screws with Lock-Washer
*Drive Carrier Five (5)CSE-PT17/CSE-PT17(B)(-black)
(*For the CSE-M35T1 only)
*Serial ATA Backplane (CSE-SATAM35)
*Five (5) Serial ATA Cables (CBL-0044)
*Serial ATA LED cable (CBL-0057)
*SCSI cable (CBL-027-U320)
*SCSI Backplane (CSE-SCAM743)
(*For the CSE-M35S only)