Owner’s manual original language – Lavina
• For this specific dust collector, sound tests indicate that the emitted noise is level is measured at a
maximum of 75 decibels (dBA), for a distance of 1 meter from the machine (and height of 1.60
meters). The vibrations emitted from the machine have been measured at a maximum value of 2.5
m/s2. • CAUTION: The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) recommends
that exposure to noise in the working environment be maintained below a level equivalent to 85 dBA
for a period of eight hours, in order to minimize occupational, noise induced hearing loss. Any
persons working in proximity of the Trowel cleaner should wear the proper hearing protection in
order to prevent hearing loss. Please refer to your local laws and regulations for further information
on the matter.
• When storing the Trowel, the filter should be removed and cleaned, and the waste container
should be emptied of debris. Store the Trowel in temperatures between 32°F and 104°F (0°C and
40°C). Cover the Trowel in order to protect it from accumulating debris and/ or environmental
Propane is a flammable gas whose vapors are heavier than air. As is the case with gasoline, propane
can explode if the proper cautions are not heeded. Propane is odorized with an agent having a
distinct odor that is recognizable at very low concentrations. This helps in identifying leaks, even
when they are small.
Awareness and basic safety precautions are required when working with propane. As long as these
precautions are followed, risk is negligible. Ignorance, however, could pose needless risk.
The two greatest hazards with propane powered floor care machines are:
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning: This is the most frequently reported incident associated with
propane powered floor care machines and is caused by excessive exhaust emissions. The
symptoms are headache, dizziness and nausea. A major cause involves engines with poor
preventive maintenance practices, usually those with dirty air filters and machines operated
in confined areas without adequate ventilation. Another cause may be substandard,
inexpensive machines with no emissions control technology and improperly set carburetion.
Overfilled Fuel Cylinders: Nearly all fire-related incidents reported result from bringing a
cylinder into a building without first checking for overfill. This action is dangerous, unwise, and
Be aware of the potential dangers of fire or explosion when using propane, and take normal fire
safety precautions.
Fire: There is a possibility of fire from LPG vapor leaking or venting from fuel cylinders or carburetion
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS, Continued equipment.
Explosion: LPG vapor concentrated or confined to a small, restricted space may explode or ignite.
Propane may experience a BLEVE, a boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion.
Emissions: All propane-powered floor care machines produce emissions. Most are harmless, but
some are dangerous and can be fatal. Carbon monoxide (CO) poses the greatest risk, since CO can be
lethal within as little as 30 minutes exposure at a concentration of 3, 000 parts per million (ppm)
Operating a propane powered floor care machine requires compliance with certain safety
regulations. The National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) Standard for Storage and Handling of LP Gas