Appendix C: SAS-809T/TQ Backplane Specifications
8. Upgrade Connectors
The upgrade connector, designated JP46, is
only included on the SAS-809TQ backplane
and is used for manufacturer's diagnostic
purposes only.
9. MG9071 Chip Reset
The chip reset, designated JP35, is only
included on the SAS-809TQ backplane
and is used to reset the MG9071 chip. For
details, see the jumper settings section of
this manual.
11. Buzzer Reset
The buzzer reset is designated as JP18. It
is used to reset the buzzer after it has been
12. MG9071 Chip
The MG9071 chip, is only included on the
SAS-809TQ backplane. It is an enclosure
management chip that supports the SES-2
controller and SES-2 protocols.
10. Mode Select
Mode select, designated JP33, is only included
on the SAS-809TQ backplane. It allows
switching between I2C and SGPIO modes.
For details, see the I2C and SGPIO settings
section of this manual.