Shenzhen SUNSKY Technology Limited
#106#telephone number#
Add several emergency numbers:
#106#emergency number#emergency number#…
After set successfully the camera will reply “The emergency number ******* has been
successfully added.”. If the emergency numbers are full, it will reply “The Emergency numbers
are full. Please delete numbers before you add new ones.”. If the number existed, it will reply
“Emergency number already exist”.
Check emergency number:
Refer Chapter 4. Quick start 8. Check status.
Delete emergency number
(Authority: Master)
Master sends following SMS to delete emergency number:
Delete single emergency number:
#107#emergency number#
Delete several emergency numbers:
#107#emergency number #emergency number#…
Delete all emergency number:
After succeed deleted, it will reply “Emergency number ******* successfully deleted”,
otherwise it will reply “Delete emergency number ****** failed".
If the SMS command error, it will reply “The emergency number ****** is invalid, please check
and try again."
6. Remote
There are three keys on the remote control: Set defense, Emergency key, Cancel defense.
When press the Set defense key, the camera indicator will turn constant green, and the
camera enter the defense state. If the wireless detector or motion detection be activated by
the broken-in, the camera will alarm to dial or send SMS/MMS.
When press the Emergency key, the camera indicator will turn to flash green quickly and the
camera will dial the master and the emergency numbers orderly. Live voice can be heard by
answering the calling. It will call master and all emergency numbers three times unit answered,
then exit dialing automatically.