Serial Flash Programmer[S550-SFWv3] Operation Manual
ROM Area Block Information Setting Screen
Selects “Keep Device Lock Bits” for lock bit processing method.
Previous lock status will be maintained.
Selects “Set Lock Bits” for lock bit processing method.
New lock bit settings will be done with the “Lock Block” check
Checks all of the Lock Block check boxes in the list.
Unchecks all of the Lock Block check boxes in the list.
Checks all of the Operation Block check boxes in the list.
Sets whether to lock for each block.
Sets whether to program for each block.
*Data area (with English capitalized block names), program ROM2
area (with block name “ROM2”), user boot mat area (with block
name “BOOT”) and E2 data flash area (with block name “E2D”) are
not set in the initial setting.
Reflects the setting content and closes the screen.
Discards the setting content and closes the screen.