c. Carefully check the roof, where the array is to be mounted, for any sharp projection (nails,
screws, etc.) that may damage the solar panels.
d. If the array is to be on multiple levels, or split roofs, repeat steps 1 through 4 above for each
portion of the array. Ensure that all return piping rises to a common high point.
8.9 Solar
solar panels are designed to resist expansion and contraction due to temper-
ature variations. Even though the panels are made of resistant thermoplastic materials, care
should be taken when they are handled to avoid contact with sharp surfaces. When lifting the
panels onto the roof, take care not to damage them by dragging them over the edge of the roof.
8.10 Assemble the Solar Panel Array
The headers of adjacent panels are joined to each other by an EPDM hose (item # 9), with two
stainless steel gear clamps.
Do not over tighten
these clamps as it may cause the end of the
header to collapse. Care must be taken to ensure that the stainless steel gear clamps are placed
to match the groove in the header.
1. On the ground, prior to lift the panels on the roof, place an EPDM hose on one end of the
headers of each panel. Do not tighten the gear clamps, unless required to do so because of
wind or roof slope (see fi gures 8 and 9).
a. Place the second panel beside the fi rst so that the top headers are approximately 2 to 3”
(5 to 7 mm) apart.
b. Snap the top header of the second panel into the EPDM hose of the fi rst panel.
c. Rotate the bottom of the second panel toward the fi rst panel, and then snap it into
d. Tighten all gear clamps.
e. Repeat assembly procedures until array is complete.
F ig (8): Panel Assembly Fig (9): EPDM Panel Hose
Solar Pool System
Installation Manual