3. The planned placement of the panels should allow the panels to drain when the pool pump
shuts off .
4. The paint of the outdoor pipes and fi ttings should be UV resistant. Painted pipes and fi ttings
will require additional maintenance.
5. Never walk on collectors when they are wet as they present a signifi cant slip hazard. Walking
on the collectors should only take place when absolutely necessary.
6. Familiarize yourself with all of our pool solar components and plumbing materials that are
needed to complete the installation.
3. Pipe and Pipe Fittings
Use pressure rated Schedule 40 PVC pipe. You may prefer to use black, but because black PVC
can be diffi
cult to fi nd, some installers have inquired about the use of black ABS pipe instead. DO
NOT USE ABS PIPE. ABS pipe does not have the UV inhibitors that PVC pipe has, causing ABS pipe
to become brittle and to crack after several years of exposure.
Use PVC Schedule 40 pressure-rated fi ttings to match your PVC pipe. Be sure NOT TO USE
“plumbers” fi ttings or DWV fi ttings (drain, waste and vent).
4. Cleaner and Cement
Refer to the product’s label for selecting good quality Cleaner and CPVC all-purpose cement.
Before applying the cement, be sure to clean each fi tting and pipe end with the PVC Cleaner
or “primer.” Soon after cleaning each part, apply ample cement fi rst to the fi tting and then to the
pipe end. Insert the pipe end into the fi tting with a slight twisting motion until it seats to evenly
distribute the glue. Hold it in this position for 5 to 10 seconds to allow the joint to set up. Finally,
wipe excess cement off of the joint and pipe.
Cold weather slows the set-up process for PVCglue. If installing in colder climates, refer to the
PVC glue manufacturer’s charts for curing times.
5. Panels and Installation Kits
Planning ahead and having the proper partsand kits for your system will make your installation
much easier. The kits and parts that are useful for our systems are shown here below under the
title “PARTS LIST”.
Solar Pool System
Installation Manual