TFG6800 Series Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator Users’ Guide
Suin Instruments Co., Ltd
waveform point (251,550mV) is barely visible, so vertical zoom function is required in this
Y Zoom
soft key and select ‘vertical’, the instrument will zoom in taking vertical
axis as direction and mark point as center. Set the zoom ratio to 500% as below picture shown.
At this moment, points from 512 to 1021 are not shown in the screen.
In conclusion, to observe the local details of a waveform, use ‘horizontal zoom’ to
expandwaveform horizontally and use ‘vertical zoom’ to expand the waveform vertically, and
move the waveform left and right through adjust mark point. The zoom operation only changes the
display of the waveform but have no effect on the output of the waveform.
After zoom and shift, only the local detail of the waveform is shown in the display window. Press
soft key to resume the three parameters to the initial value, then the original
appearance of waveform will be displayed again.
3.16.8 Waveform Length
After editing to arbitrary waveform, then load it’s data into RAM memory, and the instrument can
output arbitrary waveform edited by the user. Press
Wave Length
soft key to set the waveform
length, that’s the number of samples for arbitrary in a period. The length’s setting could less than
actual length of the loaded waveform, then parts of the loading waveform could be output, but if
the length’s setting is greater than the actual length of the loaded waveform, the output of the
waveform for excess part is uncertain so this setting not allowed. The default setting of length is
the actual length of loaded waveform if there is no set to length.
The maximum editable waveform length of the instrument is 8192 points. If exceeds the 8192