Figure 2-30 Unlock chassis
3 Product configuration
3.1 LCD module
3.1.1 Typical application
The LCD display module is a new server monitoring display product, which is presented by Sugon,
can display the server state information and alarms, can monitor the system operation states such
as power on state, fan rotating speed, CPU temperature, BMC IP address and power
consumption of Sugon Server under all weather, and provide humanistic user experiences to
3.1.2 Function description
The LCD display module includes SMBus bus, interconnects the device mode and mainboard
SMBus interface of the server, communicates with BMC, gets the mainboard operation
information in real time, and drives the LCD to display the server operation state and information
by building in the MCU into the LCD display module.
The layout of the CLD display module is shown as the figure 3-1.