Figure 3-129 Session sub-menu
To Close SOL Session, you can close the current SQL session. To select Open SQL Session, you
can open a new SQL session.
ID LED Control
To select ID LED Control, the ID lamp control interface is shown as the figure 3-130.
Figure 3-130 ID control interface
You can select to turn on ID lamp, turn off ID lamp and turn on ID lamp and then turn off after a
period on this interface. The third item can be set with the on time. After it is selected, you can
click the button
and execute the operation.
Power Button Control
To select Power Button Control, the power button setup interface displays, shown as the figure
Figure 3-131 Power button setup interface
This interface can disable/enable the power button. After it is enabled, the power button on the
device will not take effect.
FAN Control
To select FAN Control, you can enter the fan policy setup interface shown as the figure 3-132.