Figure 3-87 DNS interface
Table 3-68 Description of DNS setup interface
Information items
DNS Service
Check the checkbox before Enable and enable DNS setting
mDNS Settings
Check the checkbox before Enable and enable Mdns
Host Settings
Set the acquisition method of the host name and select Automatic
or manual. Only when Manual is select, the late Host name can be
Host Name
Host name. When Manual is selected for Host Settings, you can
input the host name here.
Register BMC
Register BMC, you can respectively register the special
management interface and sharing network port
TSIG Authentication
Check the checkbox before Enable and enable TSIG function and
permit BMC to update DNS server records.
Current TSIG Private File
Current TSIG private file, which is used to validate identity when
DNS record is updated
New TSIG Private File
Update new private file
Domain Settings
Domain name setting
Domain Name
Set domain name. only when Domain Settings is set as Manual,
this item can be set
DNS Server Settings
Domain name server setup
IP Priority
IP protocol priority setup
DNS Server1
DNS Server2
DNS Server3
IP address of DNS server, only when DNS Server Setting is set as
Manual, this item can be set.