Rev. 05
– 03/02/2021
Pag. 9/37
Code: 71419 - 71420
Rope fastening to the left
Fixing to the right handle, with
adjustable knot.
The figure above shows a diver in a technical configuration with a correct position of the SCOOTER with respect to
the person. Different positions would reduce efficiency in advancement.
For good traction efficiency the length of the tow rope must be adjusted taking into account the build of the diver: it
is very important to be able to obtain the position shown above.
Users have to make sure that the equipment (hoses, regulators, pony bottles,
pressure gauges, audible alarms, flashlights and pertinent cables, reels, etc) do
not dangle and cannot get into contact with the propeller and get entangled
creating serious hazard situations.