Cam Belt Installation
Install the camshaft sprockets using camshaft sprocket wrench 499207100 or
. Refer to the service manual for the proper specifications. The left
sprocket has the cam angle reluctors and is not interchangeable with the right
sprocket. Damage to the dust cover will result from improper installation.
Install the cam belt idler pulleys except the lower right (1 - 3 side) and the lower
left (2 - 4). Install the crankshaft sprocket and align the crankshaft sprocket and
camshaft sprockets with the belt timing notches (12 o’clock). Do not rotate
camshafts more than necessary as the HLAs will bleed down.
Install the cam belt in the following sequence:
Begin at the crankshaft sprocket
- Align the mark on the cam belt with the crankshaft sprocket notch.
Place the belt under the cam belt tensioner and over the left cam sprocket.
- Align the mark on cam belt with the camshaft sprocket notch.
Place the belt under the upper right idler pulley and over the right
cam sprocket.
- Align the mark on the cam belt with camshaft sprocket notch.
Place the belt over the water pump pulley.
Install the lower left and right idler pulleys.
Use a screwdriver to load the tensioner idler. Push the idler toward the crank-
shaft sprocket. Tighten the tensioner mounting bolts to specified torque.
Carefully remove the tensioner plunger retaining pin. This automatically sets
the cam belt tension. Slowly rock the crankshaft left to right to left to distribute the
cam belt tension to the belt.
Note: Do not rotate the crankshaft unnecessarily as the HLAs may bleed down.
Verify that the cam timing is correct by checking the cam belt alignment. The
crankshaft sprocket notch and mark should be aligned. Check to be sure that the
notches of the camshafts sprockets and the belt marks are properly aligned.
Install the outer cam belt covers. Be sure to install the shouldered bolts in the
center cover. Check the position and fit of the dust seals.
Install the pulley using crank pulley wrench 499977000. Install the engine
accessories and drive belts. Note the new style belt tension adjusters. Fill the
engine with oil.
End W
Subaru 2. 2 Liter Engine
Reinstalling Camshaft Sprockets
Loading Tensioner Idler
Checking Cam Belt Alignment