CyberOne EC DX IOM Manual
Remote Water Detector
The remote water detector is normally placed on the sub-floor
or in a field supplied auxiliary drain pan located beneath the
unit. STULZ provides two types of water detectors:
Spot type water detector-
Remove the protective cover and
connect two control wires to the
terminals on the base (terminal
lugs are provided). Replace the
cover and place the water
detector(s) on the floor with the
metal electrodes facing down.
When water is present, current
will flow between the electrodes.
The base is provided with a mounting hole in the center
which may be used to secure the water detector in place.
Do not place the spot type water detector on an
electrically conductive surface.
Cable type water detector-
Lay the cable water detector flat across the sub-floor where
water could collect. When
water is present, current will
flow between the two wires. A
two conductor wire harness is
provided with a quick connect
fitting on the end. The harness mates to the fitting on the
water detector cable and connects it to the terminal block
inside the electric box.
Plenum Box Assembly
If an optional plenum box (plenum extension box or 2- or
3-way air distribution plenum box) is selected it is typically
shipped loose. To install a plenum box, first apply a strip of
sealing foam around the top flange of the A/C unit or, run a
bead of silicone sealant. Place the plenum assembly on top
of the unit as shown in Figure 6 on page 9. Attach the
plenum with the self-tapping screws provided. Holes are
pre-drilled in the unit and the plenum box. If mounting a 2- or
3-way air distribution plenum box, the grilles may be removed
for access to the mounting holes.
Piping Connections
For downflow models, piping is to be routed through the bottom
of the cabinet. For upflow models, the piping is to be routed
through the top of the cabinet. If an optional plenum box is
installed, drill holes in the top or in the side of the box, as
preferred, to route the piping out. Once the piping is completed to
the A/C unit, install 2-piece pipe penetration plates (shipped
loose) around the piping to stop air bypass. Mounting holes are
pre-drilled in the plates. Self-drilling screws are provided to
attach the plates to the A/C cabinet. Ensure the space
between the plates and the pipes are adequately sealed to
prevent leakage.
Refrigerant Piping
Self-Contained Systems
No refrigerant connections are required for self-contained
water or glycol-cooled systems (Models COS-024/120-
W/G-( )).
Split Systems
Split air-cooled systems with a remote condenser or remote
condensing unit will require field installed refrigerant piping.
All split systems are shipped with a dry nitrogen charge of
100 psig. Release the pressure via an available stem valve or
Schrader valve prior to uncapping the pipes. Do not release
the pressure until the field installed refrigerant piping is ready
to connect.
Upflow units are stubbed inside the cabinet for connecting
to the condenser. Upflow modes are stubbed outside of
the cabinet for connecting to the condenser. The pipe
stubs are labeled; i.e. Discharge, Suction, Liquid Line. Split
systems coupled with a remote condenser will require a
er liquid line and discharge line. Systems utilizing a
remote condensing unit will require a copper liquid line and
suction line.
The following instructions should be followed to ensure
proper installation:
Loosen the two clamps located on the bracket in the
floor of the cabinet. Run the refrigerant lines through the
openings in the cabinet and then secure them with the
clamps. The clamps are labeled; i.e. “Discharge”, “Suc-
tion”, “Liquid Line” to indicate which line it secures.
Measure the distance to the refrigerant lines in the cabi-
net. Mark each pipe and cut to length.
Join the piping together. Tighten the clamps after the
pipes are brazed.
All refrigeration piping should be installed with high
temperature brazed joints. Use standard refrigeration
practices for piping supports, leak testing, dehydration and
charging of the refrigeration circuits. The refrigeration piping
should be isolated from the building by the use of vibration
isolating supports. Provide supports (clamps or hangers)
as necessary every 5 to 10 ft along piping runs to minimize
vibration and noise transmission. To prevent tube damage
when sealing openings in walls and to reduce vibration
transmission, use a soft flexible material to pack around the
Oil traps must be included every 20 ft in the vertical risers and
the refrigerant lines must be sloped ¼ in. for every 10 ft in the
horizontal lines to ensure proper oil return to the compressor.