© STULZ Tecnivel – all rights reserved
EN/11.2020 Technical data subject to modifications
Available sections
Example: double deck ClimaPac with rotary heat exchanger.
1. Regulation damper
Controls teh airflow passing through the AHU.
2. Filters section
In this section, air passing through the unit is filtered.
Different types of filters are available (pre-filters, bag filters, compact filters) with different
filtration levels. Slide in/out mounting for maintenance from the side of the unit is available
(up to size 20.10)
3. Heat recovery section
In this section, energy is taken from the return air and transferred to the supply air.
Heat recovery systems available are plate heat exchanger, rotary heat exchanger and
run-around coils.
4. Fan section
In this section air is driven through the AHU by the fan.
Fans are Plug-fan type with AC or EC motor.
5. Coil section
In this section the air is heated up or cooled down by a heating/cooling coil.
Coils can be water type or direct expansion (DX).
6. Humidifier section
In this section air is humidified by a humidifier.
Two types of humidifiers are available (evaporative pads and steam humidifiers)..
7. Sound attenuation section
In this section, sound level is reduced by a silencer.
Silencers are available with length from 600 mm up to 1800 mm according to the needs.
8. Sound attenuation section
Each unit can be equipped with a controller and electrical cabinet, mounted inside or
outside the AHU.
Technical sheet of the control (sensors, control sequences) is supplied with the technical
documentation of each unit.
Controller’s manual is provided in a separate document.