SIS Documentation
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20 Index
24-bit mode 17
25 MHz Pulser 26
25 MHz test pulses 15
32-bit mode 17
A_11 9, 32
A16 9
A24 9
A24 Broadcast Example
A32 9
A32 Broadcast Example
Address Map 13
Address Modifier Overview 28
address modifiers 28
Address Space 12
A16, A24, A32 32
addressing mode 28
Addressing mode 32
addressing modes 12
Adressing 9
Base address 9
Base Address 12, 32
block diagram 6
BLT 28
Board Layout 34
Boot File Selection 32
Bootfile Selection 33
Broadcast Addressing 17
broadcast handshake controller 17
broadcast mode 15
broadcast mode handshake controller 15
broadcast time jitter 17
Clear Logic 8
Connector Specification 23
Control and Status register 13
Control Input 32
Control Input Modes 24
Control Register 15
Cooling 25
Count disable register 17
Count Enable 8
custom firmware 6
CVI 27
call back routines 27
project file 27
D08(O) 16
D16 20
D32 20
Data Format 20
DC/DC converter 32
deadtime 20
drivers 27
ECL 5, 21, 30
En_A16 9
EN_A16 12, 32
En_A24 9
EN_A24 12, 32
En_A32 9
EN_A32 12, 32
External Latch Shadow Input 19
Factory Default Settings 9
firmware 5
Version3 20
firmware design 9, 16
Firmware Design 9
Firmware Selection 10
Bootfile 10
Examples 10
FLASHPROM 5, 6, 9, 10
FLASHPROM Versions 35
flat cable 5
Floppy 27
Front Panel
LED 11
Front Panel Layout 29
GA0* 37
GA1* 37
GA2* 37
GA3* 37
GA4* 37
GAP* 37
geographical address
pins 37
Geographical Address 37
geographical addressing 36
Getting Started 9
hot swap 25, 36
// 37
Input Configuration 21
input mode 15
Input Priority 26
input test mode 15, 26
Insertion/Removal 25
interrupt acknowledge cycle 16
interrupt condition 19
interrupt control 16
interrupt level 16, 19
interrupt logic 19
interrupt vector 16, 19
interrupter type 16
IRQ source 15
J_A11 12, 32
J101-J108 32
J115 32
J500 9, 32, 33
J520 9, 32, 33
firmware selection 10
VME addressing mode 12
overview 32
Jumper and rotary switch locations 32
key address 13
LED 11
Access 11
Color 11
Power 11
Ready 11
user 9
live insertion 25, 36
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