Site Preparation Guide
Revision Log
Page iv
Revision Log
The following basic safety tips are given to ensure safe installation, operation, and
maintenance of Stratasys equipment and are not to be considered as comprehensive on
matters of safety. Although the V650 Flex printers are designed to be safe and reliable, access
to areas of the printer are potentially dangerous.
Safe Environment
• Connect equipment to a grounded facility power source. Do not defeat or bypass the
ground lead.
• Know the location of equipment branch circuit interrupters or circuit breakers and how to
turn them on and off in case of emergency.
• Know the location of fire extinguishers and how to use them. Use only ABC type
extinguishers on electrical fires.
• Know local procedures for first aid and emergency assistance at the customer facility.
• Use adequate lighting at the equipment.
• Maintain the recommended range of temperature and humidity in equipment area.
• Do not use this product in an environment containing volatile or flammable compounds.
Description of Changes
May 2020
First release of this document.