9.FSD valve (top oven)
a. Remove appliance from housing (2).
b. Looking from the front, unscrew the
right-hand side panel securing
screws and lift the panel clear.
c. From inside the oven, remove the
oven burner (6).
d. Pull off the injector carrier position-
ing clip at the right-hand side of the
oven burner bracket (as shown).
e. Disconnect the inlet from the FSD
valve, this can now be removed,
complete with the injector carrier
and probe.
10. Grill injector
a. Remove appliance from housing (2).
b. Unscrew the top panel and rear
panel securing screws and lift the
panels clear.
c. The grill injector is in the aluminium
manifold block.
d. To gain access to the 4 screws
underneath the manifold block, the
logic control pcb can be released
by squeezing in the plastic heads of
the plastic mounting posts.
e. Disconnect the grill supply pipe from
the side of the manifold block.
f. Unscrew the 4 screws from under-
neath the manifold block.
g. Ease the manifold block off the grill
pipe, and lift clear.
h. The injector can now be removed
using a 4BA tube spanner.
11. Grill burner
a. Remove appliance from housing (2).
b. Unscrew the top panel and left-hand
side panel securing screws and lift
the panels clear.
c. Pull off the grill electrode lead.
d. Unscrew the 4 screws (2 each side)
which secure the grill cowl.
e. Unscrew the 4 screws which secure
the burner to the grill cowl.
f. The cowl can now be removed by
sliding to one side.
g. Lift the burner slightly and ease
forward to disengage the pipe from
the manifold.
: When replacing the grill burner,
make sure the burner mixing tube is
pushed fully into the manifold block,
and the 2 side lugs on the surrounding
plate come onto the top of the grill
pushed down under the
grill burner.
12. Grill electrode
a. Remove appliance from housing (2),
but only pull part way out, to gain
access to the screws which secure
the top (front) servicing panel.
b. Unscrew the top servicing panel
securing screws and lift the panel
c. Pull off the electrode lead.
Oven burner
Injector carrier
positioning clip
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