AXS Strikemaster
Engineering Manual
AXS Strikemaster Programming and Operation Manual May 2013 Page 20 of 22
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6/ I want to both disable the alarm and open the door with a single code can I do
Some applications, such as overnight deliveries to retail establishments, may require the delivery driver to
enter a code that not only allows access to the building but also disables the Alarms that are usually set
during the hours that the shop is closed. The design of the StrikeMaster keypad does not allow the same
entry code to be programmed into door 1 and door 2; (door 1 operation will take priority and door 2 operation
will be ignored.) It is, however, still possible to achieve a solution using the StrikeMaster keypad.
Allocate the driver with an 8 digit number, made up of 2 individual 4 digit entry codes. The first four digits of
the entry code should be programmed as a “Latched” code. The second four digits should be programmed
as a “Timed” code. So when the 8 digit entry code is entered the first 4 digits can disable the alarms and the
second four digits open the door. It will be necessary for the driver to re-enter the 8 digit code after the
delivery is complete to re-set the alarms.
The exact configuration will differ between installations. A typical installation may be as follows:-
First 4 digits of entry code are programmed as “door 1” “latched” with relay 1 connected at the normally
closed output. The second 4 digits of the entry code are programmed as “door 2” “timed”.
So when the 8 digit entry code is entered the first 4 digits will cause relay 1 connections to change to open
circuit, this could be used to switch off the alarms. The second 4 digits will then open the door.
Please note. This configuration may not be suited for applications where the driver may have to enter the
door on more that one occasion. This is because the alarms will toggle on and off each time the 8 digit entry
code is pressed, so there is a danger that either the driver inadvertently sets the alarm whilst in the building
or leaves the building without the alarms set. In such a case it may be better to set the second 4 digits to
In any configuration the driver should have clear instructions to enter the full 8 digit entry code on entering
and leaving the building.
For additional security a longer entry code could be allocated i.e two individual 5 or 6 digit entry codes
resulting in a 10 or 12 digit entry code for the driver.
7/ There is a continuous clicking noise.
Relay 2 can be configured for alarms output or for second door control. The factory setting for relay 2 is
The clicking noise comes from the relay activating the anti-tamper alarm, this is probably because the anti
tamper plate has not been installed. The quickest way to stop this clicking is to re-set relay 2 to second door
Use Option 8 in Programming Mode.
If, however, the alarms feature of the keypad is required, the anti tamper plate should be fitted as shown in
the installation manual.
8/ The door opens for too long.
If after entering your entry code, the door opens but stays open it is likely that the strike (opening) time has
been set too long or the entry code has been programmed as a latching code. To change the strike time use
Option 5 ( Door 1) or Option 6 (Door 2) in Programming Mode
9/ What are the door release relays rated at ?
The two relays are rated at 1.5A continuous operation.