Safety instructions
Personnel qualifications and selection
2.3 Personnel qualifications and selection
Any work on and with the machine must be executed by reliable personnel
Observe the country-specific laws and regulations.
Personnel qualification
2.3.1 Personnel qualification
In order that the knitting machine can be operated correctly and safely, it must
be set up and operated by reasonably skilled (qualified) personnel:
Knitting expert
Trained or semi-skilled person
An electrician will be considered a person(expert in electrical area), who can
assess and execute the electrical jobs assigned to him and can identify
possible dangers.
The expert possesses the following characteristics:
technical qualification
theoretical knowledge
practical experience
Knowledge of the relevant (country specific) regulations
Knowledge of the operating instructions
A mechanic will be considered a person (expert in mechanical area), who can
assess and execute the mechanical jobs assigned to him and can identify
possible dangers.
The expert possesses the following characteristics:
technical qualification
theoretical knowledge
practical experience
Knowledge of the relevant (country specific) regulations
Knowledge of the operating instructions