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02/2020 | ID 443025.06
Settings on the master's and slave's end
In general, the following settings are particularly significant for DC-Sync:
Sync Offset
... Specifies the time span between the release of the process data from the master and the Sync 0 signal of the slaves for the entire network simultaneously.
Sync Offset is parameterized on the master's end.
Shift Time
... Shifts the time of the Sync 0 event in addition to Sync Offset for each slave individually.
Shift Time is also parameterized on the master's end.
PLL phase offset
... Specifies the time span between the Sync 0 signal and the start of process data processing by the slave.
PLL phase offset is parameterized on the slave's end, i.e. in the drive controller in parameter A292. A negative value pushes the beginning of processing to after the synchronization
signal. A292 can only move the beginning of processing within the cycle time of the drive controller.
Sync Unit Cycle
Permitted cycle times for a Sync 0 signal must be whole-number multiples of the slave cycle time A150. Non-permitted signal times result in a slave not changing from the pre-
operational state to the safe operational state.
Sync Unit Cycle is parameterized on the master's end.
Conditions for stable synchronization
If the master cycle time is equal to the slave cycle time, the following conditions must be met for stable synchronization:
Sync Offset (1) + Shift Time (2) − PLL phase offset (3) + AR1 + Jitter < Cycle time
If the master cycle time is a multiple of the slave cycle time, the following condition also applies:
Sync Offset (1) + Shift Time (2) − PLL phase offset (3) < Slave cycle time
Checking settings
If you want to check your settings, take the following values into consideration for AR1 and jitter:
The current utilization of the real-time task gives you parameter E902.
Frame jitter (controller):
± 5 µs
Application jitter (drive controller):
± 10 µs